Before & After is the easiest way to create a Lead Capture Form in WordPress.
Lead Capture forms ask your visitors to complete a form before offering them access to a whitepaper, discount code, or other reward in exchange for permission to contact them.
This guide will walk you through creating a Lead Capture Form in just a few easy steps:
- Create a New Form
- Create a New Goal
- Display your Goal on your website
- Track Conversions and watch your leads come in!
That’s all! Now we’ll go through each step in more detail.
Step 1: Create a New Form
Create a new Form by visiting the Before & After > Forms menu in your WordPress dashboard and then clicking the Add New Form button.
You can use the form as it comes, or you can add or remove any fields you’d like.
Step 2: Create a New Goal
Create a new Goal by visiting the Before & After > Add New Goal menu in your WordPress dashboard.
- In the Before meta box, Select “Show A Form”. Then choose the form you just created from the drop down menu.
- In the After meta box, Select “Download A File” (or another option of your choice). Then fill out the details for your download (e.g., a whitepaper, ebook, etc).
- Click the Publish button to save your Goal
Step 3: Display your Goal anywhere on your Website
If you’re using WordPress 5.0 or newer, add a Goal Custom Block to any Page or Post. You can find it in the Before & After Section.
If you’re using an older version WordPress, use the Before & After button above the post editor to add the Goal to any page or post. Or you can copy and paste the goal shortcode from the previous screen into any Page or Post.
Now when visitors see that page they will first see your form. When they complete the form, they will then be given a link to download your whitepaper.
If a visitor comes back to the page, they won’t have to complete the form again (until their cookie expires). However, if they share the URL with a friend or colleague, that person will have to complete the form to gain access themselves.
Step 4: Track Conversions and watch your leads come in!
Use the Conversions screen to watch your leads come in! Its under the Goals menu.
We will capture any form data we can, and automatically match many fields (such as name and address). We’ll also do our best to geolocate your visitors, so you’ll know where they are coming from. See all of this data and more on the Conversions page.
Enjoy your new leads! If you have any questions please see the other documentation pages, or contact us for help.
Helpful Links:
Contact Form 7 users:
- How To Create a Lead Capture Form Using Before & After and Contact Form 7
- Contact Form 7 documentation
Gravity Forms users: