Curbside Pickup Pro Settings

You can find the Settings for WP Curbside by visiting the WP Curbside -> Settings menu in your WordPress dashboard.

Note: there is also a settings page available when you select Curbside Pickup as a Shipping Option in WooCommerce. At this time, the only setting offered here is changing the label shown to the customer.

Tab: General Settings

Pick-Up Times

Days Into Future Allowed – How many days in advance can an order be placed? Enter 0 to only allow same-day orders.

Pick-Up Delay – How many minutes after the time the order is placed can an order be picked up? Defaults to 60 minutes.

Pick-Up Time Increment – When times are offered to the customer, this setting determines how specific of a time the customer can select.

Order Throttling

Enable Order Throttling – When enabled, the system will limit the number of pick-ups allowed per time slot. When disabled, customers will be able to choose any timeslot they like.

Orders Allowed Per Time Slot – How many orders should be able to be scheduled per time slot?

Tab: Emails

Global Settings

Email Signature – This text will be appended to the bottom of all emails.

Order Confirmation Emails

These emails are sent when the pickup is created.

Unchecking the box to disable sending these emails entirely.

You can change the emails’ subject and the emails’ body in the settings area. Both fields support merge variables, which are described in more detail below.

Pick-Up Rescheduled Emails

These emails are sent when a pickup is rescheduled by a member of the staff (e.g., via the Dashboard). They include the new pickup time and date.

Unchecking the box to disable sending these emails entirely.

You can change the emails’ subject and the emails’ body in the settings area. Both fields support merge variables, which are described in more detail below.

Completed Pick-Up Emails

These emails are sent when the pickup is marked complete by a member of the staff. You may want to put a thank you message here, or a coupon code for a future purchase.

Unchecking the box to disable sending these emails entirely.

You can change the emails’ subject and the emails’ body in the settings area. Both fields support merge variables, which are described in more detail below.

Merge Variables

{pickup_link} – Personalized link for the customer to check-in.

{customer_name} – Customer’s full name

{customer_first_name} – Customer’s frist name

{customer_last_name} – Customer’s last name

{order_number} – Order number (from WooCommerce)

{order_total} – Total value of the order (from WooCommerce)

{item_count} – Total number of items in the order

{pickup_time} – The customer’s scheduled pickup time (and date).

Note: if {pickup_link} is not present, it will be automatically appended.

Tab: Pick-up Page Settings

Pick-Up Page – Choose a page to contain your check-in form. On the page you select, be sure to add the [wp_curbside_pickup] shortcode.

Instructions To Your Customer – The message you would like to show to your customers when they check-in for pick-up.

Check-In Confirmation Message – The message you would like to show to your customers after they have successfully checked-in.

Order Not Found Error Message – The message shown to customers if their pickup link is not working. In most cases, your contact information should be included here.

Ask For Vehicle Description – Whether to ask the customer for a description of their vehicle when they arrive

Ask For Space # – Whether to ask the customer for their space number when they arrive

Notify on Arrival? – Whether to send an email notification when a customer arrives for pick-up

Emails To Notify – List email addresses which should receive notifications when a customer arrives.

Tab: Dashboard Settings

Dashboard Notifications

These settings control what notifications you received when the Dashboard page is open.

Audio Notifications – Play a sound when a new customer arrives
Browser Notifications – Display a browser notification when a new customer arrives
Enable Notifications – Click this button to have your browser prompt you to enable notifications from your website. This is required in order for your Browser Notifcations to work.


Control which panels are visible on your Dashboard. Check a box to show the corresponding panel, or uncheck it to hide it.

Missed Pick-Up Time Panel – This panel shows pickups which have passed their time by at least 1 hour, but the customer has not checked in.

Expected Soon Panel – These customers are within 30 minutes of their scheduled pickup time.

Scheduled Later Today Panel – These customers are expected today, but not for at least an hour.

Scheduled For Tomorrow Panel – These orders are expected tomorrow. Hidden by default.