Now that you’ve added some testimonials to your website, you’ll want to pick a place to display them.
If you’re using the latest version of WordPress (WordPress 5 or newer), you can simply add a Testimonials List block in the Gutenberg editor.
Simply click the plus sign to add a new block, and then select the Testimonials List block from the Easy Testimonials category.
Displaying a List of Testimonials Using Older Versions of WordPress or the Classic Editor
You can also output a List of Testimonials in a Page or a Post by using our Shortcodes. Our shortcodes can be easily generated using our Shortcode Generator, under our Options screen, or by clicking the Testimonial button above the Edit pane and using our Widget to generate the shortcode. You can also use our Widgets in any widgetized area of your website.
- To output a list of all the Testimonials, place the following shortcode in the desired area of the Page or Post Content:
// output a list of testimonials [testimonials]
- To output a list of the 5 most recent Testimonials, use the following shortcode:
// output your 5 most recent testimonials [testimonials count='5' order='DESC' orderby='date']
- More examples using the
// output your 5 most recent testimonials [testimonials count='5' order='DESC' orderby='date'] // output your 5 oldest testimonials [testimonials count='5' order='ASC' orderby='date'] // output 10 testimonials ordered by their post IDs [testimonials count='10' order='ASC' orderby='ID'] // output 10 testimonials ordered by their parent post's IDs [testimonials count='10' order='ASC' orderby='parent'] // output 10 testimonials ordered by their title [testimonials count='10' order='ASC' orderby='title'] // output 10 testimonials ordered by the post slugs [testimonials count='10' order='ASC' orderby='name'] // output 10 testimonials ordered by their author's name (WordPress users) [testimonials count='10' order='ASC' orderby='author'] // output 10 testimonials in a random order [testimonials count='10' order='ASC' orderby='rand']
Acceptable attributes for
.Acceptable attributes for
, and'rand'
- To display the title above the list of Testimonials and use excerpts (short versions of the Testimonial), use the following shortcode:
// Output a list of 10 testimonials showing their titles and using excerpts [testimonials count='10' show_title='1' use_excerpt='1']
- To output Testimonials from a specific Category, with images, use the following shortcode:
// Output 10 testimonials from a specific category, and show the thumbnails next to each one // be sure to replace the_category_slug with your own Testimonial Category's slug [testimonials count='10' category='the_category_slug' show_thumbs='1']
- To display the rating along with the testimonials, use the following shortcode:
// Show the rating as stars, outside the content [testimonials show_rating='stars'] // Show the rating as a number, before the content [testimonials show_rating='before'] // Show the rating as a number, after the content [testimonials show_rating='after']
To paginate the list of Testimonials, use the
andtestimonials_per_page attributes
.// Show your testimonials in groups of 5 per page [testimonials paginate='1' testimonials_per_page='5'] // Show your testimonials in groups of 10 per page [testimonials paginate='1' testimonials_per_page='10'] // Show testimonials from a specific category in groups of 5 per page // (Be sure to replace the_category_slug with your own Testimonial Category's slug) [testimonials paginate='1' testimonials_per_page='5' slug='the_category_slug'] // Show your testimonials in groups of 10 per page, show the titles, and show thumbnails [testimonials paginate='1' testimonials_per_page='10' show_title='1' show_thumb='1']